Group Facilitation and Mediation

Collaborative Communication
How do you talk about what really matters in a workplace, even when it seems impossible?
Based on “nonviolent communication” as pioneered by American psychologist Dr. Marshall Rosenberg (, collaborative communication provides a roadmap for difficult conversations -- how to speak honestly without attacking, how to tune in to what others might really want and how to guide yourself and the interaction in a way that builds trust and creates a more harmonious and smooth-functioning workplace or collaborative process.
Facilitation -- How to lead an effective meeting
Facilitation is the art and science of easing the communication of people in groups. This training guides participants through the process of planning, designing and leading effective and engaging meetings.
Consensus decision making
Consensus is a process used to make decisions when everyone’s input is heard and considered in coming to a decision. Rather than majority rule based on preference, consensus has groups develop the best decision that everyone can support or live with. This training presents the why and how of consensus.
Restorative Approaches
Restorative approaches improve and repair relationships within families, businesses, community groups, schools and society. This course provides an understanding of the theory and practice of applying restorative practices to collaborations when you need both good relationships and progress toward meeting goals.